Wheel of Wellness Assessment
Morning Session 10:10 - 11:00 AM
“How are you?” It’s a simple question that is sometimes so difficult to answer honestly. One ingredient of self-care is understanding where you are currently in terms of your well-being. The wellness wheel is an interactive web-based tool and visual representation that assesses an individual’s perception of overall wellness. The wellness wheel focuses on 8 important dimensions of wellness: emotional, financial, environmental, intellectual, occupational, physical, social and spiritual. Participants will learn about each dimension, be guided through the online assessment, and then access and understand their results. A reflection exercise and activity guide will help you strengthen a dimension of your choice.
University of New Hampshire Extension
Behavioral Health and Well-Being Field Specialist
Michele Meinke Kroll is a behavioral health and well-being field specialist with the University of New Hampshire Extension. As a full-time working professional, single mom to a young adult and doctoral candidate, Michele has experience that drives her passion to support people with all aspects of their health and well-being. She works in partnership with communities to provide educational programs and resources based on research-based best practices and has a wealth of experience in creating comprehensive and innovative health and well-being education opportunities. Michele utilizes professional networks such as the UNH Telehealth Center, UNH College of Health and Human Services Occupational Therapy department and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Current program projects include the Eight Dimensions of Wellness Assessment, Boost Your Brain, Mental Health First Aid and Rural Telehealth Accessibility.
Michele uses a cross-disciplinary approach to understand and address the challenges that rural communities face with accessing mental health care and healthy living resources. She has 30 years’ experience previously with University of Missouri Extension working at regional, state and national levels and is a member of the leadership team for the Health and Wellness Sub-Committee chair for the Greater Sullivan Public Health Advisory Committee. Michele has a bachelor’s in Human Development and Family Studies, a master’s in Adult Continuing Education and is currently Information Science and Learning Technologies and Design PhD candidate, completing her program in May.