Universal Design for Work (UDW): Cultivating Sustainable Success
Morning breakout session I 10:10-11:00 AM
Universal Design for Work (UDW): Cultivating Sustainable Success
Juggling work, life, and everything in today's always-on world? This interactive session explores how constant multitasking and information overload impact our focus, productivity, and well-being. Let’s discuss practical strategies specifically designed for women leaders to lead inclusively, boost well-being, and drive real impact. Introducing Universal Design for Work (UDW) is a framework grounded in neuroscience and Universal Design for Learning that empowers you and your team to achieve success that’s sustainable. Explore UDW’s core components—Purposeful Engagement, Clear Communication, and Empowered Action—and create a personalized plan for better workplace effectiveness and work-life harmony. This workshop empowers you to connect with other women leaders, learn through hands-on activities, and develop strategies for enhancing your well-being and leadership. Walk away with a sustainable yet simple action plan for yourself and your team.
Amy Hage
I’m Amy Hage, an Executive Functions Coach and speaker passionate about creating inclusive and productive workplaces. I specialize in helping individuals and teams apply Universal Design for Work (UDW) principles—a concept I developed based on Universal Design for Learning and insights from neuroscience—to enhance wellbeing and drive meaningful impact. By combining my expertise in executive functions coaching with UDW strategies, I empower leaders to embrace neurodiversity, foster collaboration, and optimize performance. I am particularly passionate about supporting women leaders in navigating their unique challenges and cultivating a more balanced and fulfilling work-life experience.