2-Minute Stress Relievers: Tap Out of the Stress Response and Into Relaxation
Afternoon Session 1:00 - 1:50 PM
Stress is a full-body response to the challenges of life that everyone experiences. Being able to skillfully turn towards stress and cope can enhance health, well-being and motivation. Participants will learn how to grow their stress mindset by understanding what stress is and how it impacts the whole body. Opportunities to learn about and practice quick but proven body-based relaxation techniques will be provided. All it takes is two minutes — or even less — to tap out of the stress response and into the relaxation response.
University of New Hampshire Office of Health and Wellness
Well-Being Educator/ Counselor
In her role as well-being educator/ counselor at UNH Health & Wellness, Shannon Seiferth works to support students and other members of the UNH community in achieving their optimal level of wellness. Shannon utilizes a strengths-based approach to engage in a proactive process of self-exploration, knowledge development and skill application. Shannon works individually with students, providing ongoing wellness coaching sessions in the areas of stress, sleep and behavior change. She also provides a variety of workshops, health promotion events and trainings targeted to students and employees.
Shannon holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a master’s degree in mental health counseling, and is a certified health and wellness coach. She has worked in a wellness capacity in higher education for 10 years. Shannon is driven to create a culture of well-being at UNH and has served as a task-force member working to have UNH join the U.S. Health Promoting Campuses Network (USHPCN). She will continue to serve as a co-liaison to this network, and as a committee member for the work being done on campus.