Modeling a Growth Mindset to Quiet Your Student's Inner Critic

Morning breakout session I 10:10-11:00 AM

Modeling a Growth Mindset to Quiet Your Student's Inner Critic

"Modeling a Growth Mindset to Quiet Your Student's Inner Critic" explores how educators can empower students to overcome self-doubt and embrace resilience. Grounded in the principles of Dr. Carol Dweck's research on growth mindset, this session highlights strategies for recognizing and challenging negative self-talk, fostering an environment of encouragement, and supporting students' journey to academic and personal growth. Participants will reflect on their own learning experiences, understand the impact of mindset on student success, and leave equipped with actionable tools to promote a positive and growth-oriented narrative in their classrooms.


Dr. Susan McKenzie

Dr. Susan McKenzie is the Sr. Associate Dean of Programs for Mathematics, Science and Data Analytics at Southern New Hampshire University. In this role, Susan leads a team of Associate deans in defining and developing programs. She ensures that courses are high quality with clear, relevant outcomes, assessments and student learning pathways, by analyzing student success within the programs. Susan is also an experienced professor and mentor in mathematics and science. Prior to working in the field of education, she worked as a program director in the wireless industry and the airline industry, and as a senior scientist for the Strategic Defense Initiative. Susan completed her doctorate in Educational Leadership at SNHU and published her dissertation on “Factors in Engineering Educational Persistence: The Correlation Between Identity and Self-Efficacy.”