Resilience: Actionable Strategies to Bounce Back

Morning Breakout Session II 11:15-12:15

As humans we all face setbacks in our lives and the need to move forward after one occurs. “Bouncing back” after a difficult situation can be a challenge if we are unaware of ways to process the situation, our emotions, and our sense of belonging moving forward. We find ourselves in a new state of being and understanding based on these experiences. Being resilient is an incredibly important skill to possess and one that takes intentional action to improve. We are expected to be resilient, yet it is rare that time is spent breaking down what it means and how to successfully navigate through the stages of the process.

This session will guide participants through the concept of resilience and provide actionable strategies around building our resilience. Participants will learn about understanding our resilient voice (how we talk to ourselves matters!), identifying our levels of influence and control through guided activity, and how connecting with others during these situations helps us move through them more effectively.

Shauna Colbath

Admission Training and Development Team Lead

Southern New Hampshire University

In her staff role at Southern New Hampshire University, Shauna Colbath works with new Admission Counselors and Team Leads to gain necessary skills to fulfill role objectives while developing confidence, comfortability, and competence. She has been in the Learning and Development space for the last eight years primarily focusing on the staff-to-student experience through quality assurance. She is also adjunct faculty at Southern New Hampshire University in the General Education/First Year Experience academic unit. Through coaching and feedback, Shauna helps others recognize their strengths and potential to grow.

Shauna received a bachelor’s degree from University of New Hampshire, a Master of Arts in Teaching degree from the University of New Hampshire, and a Master of Science in Higher Education Administration degree from Southern New Hampshire University. Shauna lives in the Seacoast region with her two children.