Building Resilience with the 25% Plan

Morning Breakout Session I 10:00-11:00

Afternoon Breakout Session 1:30-2:30

 Part of being resilient is ensuring that we have the capacity to meet new work demands, but what happens when we have no spare cycles to give, and the demands continue to grow? Sometimes we need to find ways to adjust workloads to maintain resiliency. We cannot keep adding work; we have to subtract as well. But what work should we subtract?

This presentation will be applicable for leaders and managers, but all participants can learn from the content. The 25% Plan is a way of looking at the bottom quartile of team workload for work that has less value or doesn’t utilize our most important team skills, work that could be done another way, or work that is done inefficiently within or between teams. This process can be used at the level of teams, across divisions, or campus-wide to create the capacity that institutions will require to focus on new initiatives and prepare for a better future.

In addition to finding ways to improve resiliency and position the team for the future, this process can improve team culture. It can increase the level of empowerment in teams to discuss things they do that aren’t adding value and should be done another way. It can help teams feel heard and to instill a new way of thinking about work (internal management of services supplied by a department). The presentation will outline the methodology of the process and talk about key elements for success.

We will also plan some interactive elements to get participants to think of examples they might use in their own work.

Cathy Bates

Vantage Technology Consulting Group

Senior Principal, Associate Partner

Cathy works directly with IT and institutional leaders on large, mission-focused projects including strategic planning, organizational assessments, data governance and IT governance. Prior to joining Vantage, she held CIO, CISO, and other leadership positions at regional and flagship universities in New Hampshire, Arizona, and North Carolina. Throughout her career, Cathy has been actively involved in mentoring and bringing people together to share experiences. She enjoys writing about leadership and working with individuals to help prepare them for leadership roles. She initiated the Vantage Leadership Lounge Program that works with over 20 well-known higher education CIOs in a co-mentoring model to bring current and future leaders together to learn from one another.

Cathy earned her Bachelor of Science in Applied Computer Science and a Master of Education in Secondary Education at Plymouth State University. She is a longtime member of EDUCAUSE, serving on security professionals and annual conference committees, co-chairing the HEISC committee, presenting at conferences and contributing knowledge resources. Cathy is currently a member of the EDUCAUSE Corporate Engagement Advisory Committee which advises on strategic directions for corporate engagement to support and evolve the higher education technology market.