Reigniting Your Leadership in 2024: Leading a Thriving and Positive Culture through Resilience and Self-Awareness

Morning Breakout Session I 10:00-11:00

Have you ever experienced a dwindling flame, feeling less invigorated by your work? Many women leaders feel this way. They give to their organizations, their teams, their communities, and their families. And there is little left for themselves, which gets in the way of showing up.

This interactive session will explore the shared challenges higher education leaders encounter. It will equip women leaders with essential tools to overcome challenges and activate resilience, enabling them to self-motivate and lead teams to success.

Participants will:

·        Define values and discover how to align values to organizational values for increased motivation and resilience.

·        Understand core motivators for self and others helping all to feel energized to do the work.

·        Understand how to use reliance tools in adapting to change.

·        Interact with other leaders for deeper identification of commonalities and connections.

·        Walk away with an actionable tool to help reignite and feel motivated through 2024.

 Each participant will be provided resources for continuing work on resilience and access to a complimentary coaching session to kickstart the flame.

Sheila Lambert

President & Founder, The Executive Collaborative

Sheila is President and Founder of The Executive Collaborative. She brings 35+ years of experience as a therapist and Executive Coach empowering thousands of leaders through self-discovery. Leaders who advanced in their careers and are at the forefront of their companies leading thriving organizations, creating a positive and engaging culture and elevating others.

She is an experienced therapist and senior leader in mental health, healthcare, and higher education, adept at steering organizations to success. She is uniquely equipped to guide individuals in self-reflection, confidence building, and balance, fostering team motivation and positive work culture.

She has extensive training in creating and managing Behavior Intervention teams, Risk Management prevention and Intervention and has worked collaboratively with various stakeholders across higher education institutions.

Sheila has 450+ hours of academic training and 1700+ hours in ongoing continuing education training.  She holds a Masters in Counseling and a Masters in Organizational Leadership. She is a Licensed Addiction Counselor in NH, a Certified Workplace Wellness Professional and Stress Mastery Coach. She is a certified COVID-19 Transitional Leadership Coach, having completed the course, and is considered an expert in leading through times of crisis.

She has co-authored a book chapter on Gun Violence Prevention, won various awards in Higher Education leadership, been a board member of various nonprofits, currently serving as Vice Chair of Home Health and Hospice of Southern NH.  She is a Speaker, a Leaders Advocate, and a supporter of many non-profits, especially Dana Farber Cancer Institute as she has known many people in her life who have succumbed to cancer.