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Timeout Tuesday: Virtual Facilitation

Best Practices for Planning and Facilitating Virtual Groups

Over the past year and a half, many of us had to rapidly shift from meeting in person to meeting virtually.  While some group work may return to in person, for many groups virtual meetings will continue to the norm.  Successfully hosting a virtual meeting is not as simple as sending out a meeting link and we have all experienced the results when a meeting is poorly planned or facilitated. Virtual formats bring their own challenges and opportunities, and good virtual facilitation takes skill, practice, and planning. This training will focus on best practices for virtual group work, sharing tools and tips to help your meetings be not only more effective but more engaging and hopefully even more fun.


Sue Cagle is a field specialist in Community and Economic Development with UNH Extension. Sue Completed her MEd at Boston University and has worked for the past fifteen years in communities throughout NH that are working to plan for the future and address complex community needs. Sue’s areas of focus include leadership training and development, building effective cross-sector community collaboration and engaging community members for local decision-making and sustained action.   

February 8

Timeout Tuesday: How the World Perceives You: Maximizing your Personal Brand