Looking for a new job or nervous about an upcoming interview? Wondering how to revamp your LinkedIn profile or resume? Curious how the job landscape has changed over the past few years? Thinking about starting a soft search with networking? Maybe you're looking to change career direction or move up into a leadership/executive role. We've got you covered on all of the above and more!
Join us for an "Ask Me Anything" career Q&A with JOBTALK's dynamic and engaging Krystal Hicks!
As a Seacoast native, Krystal has been working in the employment sector for over 10 years, now helping everyone from students, educators, businesses and professionals navigate the job search/career landscape through her business JOBTALK. If you've got a career question, Krystal has the expertise to offer you a no-nonsense, thoughtful answer! Join us for this FREE super fun online experience!
You may submit your questions ahead of time, by filling out this form, or simply bring your questions with you to the session!