Developing a Co-Mentoring Program for Higher Education Leaders
Afternoon breakout session 2:00-2:50 PM
Developing a Co-Mentoring Program for Higher Education Leaders
This presentation will focus on how a nationwide group of well-known higher education leaders developed a free mentoring program and the co-mentoring model that is central to the program. Details about our program philosophy, how we curate our mentor panel to represent our member cohort, program organization, and feedback from our cohorts will be shared to stimulate discussion about how program objectives can inspire different program models.
The Leadership Lounge Mentoring Program (LLMP) provides a supportive online environment for current and aspiring higher education leaders to gather for leadership-focused conversation and guidance. Established in 2020, the program has graduated 10 successful cohorts who have benefited by developing their leadership skills; creating opportunities for networking, inquiry, and learning; and building community among mentees and mentors.
Learning Objectives:
• Learn about the co-mentoring model, including benefits and challenges
• Learn about and discuss mentoring program objectives as part of a program structure
• Gain insights about creative ways to manage a mentoring program
Cathy Bates
Cathy is a member of the NHWHE Programming Committee and is a former higher education CIO with over 32 years of experience in higher education. At Vantage Technology Consulting Group, Cathy works directly with institutional leaders on large, mission-focused projects including strategic planning, organizational assessments, data governance, and IT governance. Vantage supports the Leadership Lounge program for current and aspiring leaders in higher ed IT.